My Research
My research is driven by a dual passion: the curiosity for understanding complex processes on atomic-level and a commitment to leveraging this to advance energy materials for greener and more sustainable future.
I am focusing on understanding structure-function relations in multinary solid-state materials and their dynamics during phase formation and transformation processes.
• Phase formation and transformation processes
• structure-function relations, especially defects
• in-situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
• in-situ Multimodal X-ray Analysis (XAS, XRD, XEOL)
• Energy Materials: Photovoltaics, Batteries, Catalysis
• Semiconductors
Recent Updates
I am looking forward to my coming research stay as visiting scholar with the group of Prof. Dauskardt in Material…
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We hosted the in-FORM workshop on in-situ Formation of Energy Materials held at MAX IV the 8th and 9th of…
Read moreWe performed first in-situ coating experiments where we were able to follow the formation of metal-halide perovskites in-situ by means…
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About me

Contact Information
Dr. Justus Just
My profile
With in-FORM we develop a synchrotron based in-situ material research platform to gain insight into the formation of functional materials during deposition. This platform consists of a slot-die coating and annealing system with atmosphere control and a suitably small foot-print as well as flexibility for integration into the Balder beamline at MAX IV.
Source: Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF-Works)
Period: 2019-2023
Total budget: 7.7 MSEK
XRD@Balder: Synchronously combined in-situ X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy for new catalytic materials
The collaborative project between Balder and Chalmers University, Göteborg, is aiming to develop and implement (in-situ) X-ray diffraction capabilities simultaneously with X-ray spectroscopy in one experimental setup with sub-second time resolution. This project is framed in the exploration of new catalytic materials, their molecular function and ways to use them for environmental protection and chemical production without putting planetary boundaries for sustainability at risk.

Source: Chalmers University
Period: 2020-2024
Total budget: 5.5 MSEK